Administrative Rules and Regulations
Administrative Rules govern many district operations and as such are subject to a comprehensive process that includes review and approval by the Decatur Board of Education to become final. A rule or regulation is a statement of general applicability that implements interprets or prescribes procedure or practice of our organization, developed by the Superintendent and the Administration.
Administrative Rules and Regulations for Flyer Distribution in Decatur Public Schools
Decatur Public Schools Board of Education authorizes its schools to distribute or display in school offices, communications of school-related* or outside organizations** that promote youth programs, activities or events that aim to improve the health, education or welfare of students. Promotional materials may take the form of notices, announcements, brochures and flyers. Decatur Public Schools reserves the right to decide on how to distribute or display material.
*School-related organizations may include parent groups, booster clubs, school employee organizations, the MHSAA and other organizations and clubs affiliated with the Decatur Public Schools. These groups/organizations must place the following in bold print on the front of any promotional material to be distributed or displayed:
“Officially sponsored and endorsed by Decatur Public Schools.”
**Outside organizations mean any non-profit or tax-exempt organization other than school-related organizations. These groups must display the following disclaimer in bold print on the front of any promotional material requested for distribution or display.
"Decatur Public Schools neither endorses nor sponsors the organization or activity represented in this material. The distribution or display of this material is provided as a community service."
Communications: For the purpose of this policy, communications means written material designed by a school-related organization to inform the reader of activities, events, programs and other subjects that are of concern to the school-related organization and that may be of interest to students and their parents/guardians. Communications may take the form of notices, announcements, flyers, newsletters, bulletins, brochures, FAQ’s (frequently asked questions) and monographs.
School-related organization means (i) an organization whose activities support and promote the educational mission of the district, as determined by the Board of Education or (ii) a government agency. School-related organizations may include parent organizations, booster clubs, school employee organizations, the MHSAA, and other organizations and clubs affiliated with Decatur Public Schools. Government agencies may include any local, state or federal government agency.
Promotional material means written material that is intended solely to notify students and their parents of the opportunity to participate in a youth-related program, activity or event that aims to improve the health, education or welfare of students. Promotional materials may take the form of notices, announcements, brochures, and flyers.
Outside organization means any non-profit or tax-exempt organization other than school-related organizations as defined above.
School-related Organizations
In order to support the educational mission, the Decatur Public Schools authorizes its schools to distribute or display communications of school-related organizations that are designed to inform students or their parents/guardians of activities, events, programs, and other subjects that are of concern to the school-related organization and that may be of interest to students and their parents/guardians.